Theoretical Tajweed Courses - Nour Academy

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Learn Quran Classes Online


Learn Islamic Fiqh Classes Online


Learn Arabic Classes Online


How you will learn

One on One steps

One on One steps

Blended Learning

Blended Learning

E -Learning

E -Learning

One on One steps to get your way for Islamic , Arabic and Quranic studies.

One on One steps to get your way for Islamic , Arabic and Quranic studies.

We provide a one on one offering for teaching practical Quran (and Arabic in the future) which has the advantages of being

  • Self paced: meaning that each student will progress through the learning material at his or her own speed
  • Personalized: where the student has some control over what content he or she would like to focus on
  • Focused: since the attention of the teacher is full diverted towards the student